Do you have information about download time and maximum configurable baud rate for midlife instruments?
FollowThis FAQ applies to the midlife instruments AWAC, Aquadopp, AquaPro, and Vector.
There are two configurable baud rates, one for standard communication and one for recorder data download.
The maximum baud rates can be found in the deployment software for each instrument (an example for the AquaPro HR is shown below).
When using RS-422, the maximum download baud rate is 1200 kBd. When using RS232 communication, the maximum download baud rate is 115200. When using RS232, make sure to have a cable as short as possible, as this will affect the total download time. For example, using a baud rate of 115200, it will take 26 hours to download 1GB (1,073,741,824 * 10 / 115200 = 93,207 seconds) of data using a 2.5m long cable. Be aware that checksum errors or other external disturbances might slow down the data transfer. If the instrument is safely taken care of in a lab or office environment, it is also an option to take out the SD card and download data directly to your computer. Be careful and consult the comprehensive manual when opening the instrument to ensure that no parts are damaged.
Figure 1: Selecting the Baud rate the AquaPro Deployment software
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