How to use external compass with Signature instruments
FollowExternal heading data is relevant for various applications, such as on buoys or attached to structures, where normal magnetic compasses cannot be used. To enable the integration of an external GNSS compass, activate the EXTSENSOR functionality by setting SETEXTSENSOR,EN=1 in the command terminal. This allows the Signature instrument to receive heading data from the GNSS compass via either a serial or Ethernet connection. When enabled, the instrument will use the external data, but it will also fall back to the internal compass if no external heading is detected.
The instrument provides a status message indicating whether the HDT message has been received or not, from the GNSS compass. Please note that enabling the external sensor will cause the instrument to draw more current. If using Ethernet, the connection supports NMEA data transmission via UDP, which means that you can send and retrieve data. Be aware that using the Ethernet port generally consumes more power compared to the serial connection.
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