My instrument is not communicating. What should I do next?
Please see the troubleshooting manual's for step by step troubleshooting.
First of all, make sure the communication settings are correct, by clicking ‘Communication’ and ‘Serial Port’.
The correct ‘Com Port’ and ‘Baud Rate’ should be selected.
Make sure ‘Hard break’ is not selected, unless it is a very old instrument (pre-2001).
Also double check all physical connections and that the correct power is applied.
There are two ways to check communication:
- Click ‘Communication’ and ‘Terminal Emulator’. Send a break command by clicking ‘Send Break’. The instrument should respond with a message which includes the model, firmware version and command mode.
- Click the ‘Check communication’ icon. The same information as above will be displayed in a small window and the ‘System’ page will also be refreshed with serial number etc.
If you are experiencing issues with connecting to the instrument and establishing a connection, please see chapter 5.1 Communication Problems in the Troubleshooting guide found in the: Comprehensive manual
Also see our other troubleshooting FAQ's for specific troubleshooting and for a step by step guide.
And as always; if you need further help please send us an email to with a detailed explanation and we will help you as quickly as possible.
Please note: There has been some confusion about the meaning of the ‘Disconnected/Connected’ message in the lower right-hand corner of the display.
The ‘Connected’ message will only appear when data is being transmitted or received, e.g. when configuring and starting up the instrument.
Otherwise the ‘Disconnected’ message will be displayed.
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