Maintenance and troubleshooting
This section contains articles about how to troubleshoot your instrument. This includes communication issues, problem during data collection and interpretation of suspicious data.
- How do I take care of my connectors?
- What should I check before I deploy my instrument?
- Deployment file issue
- How much current does my instrument draw?
- How much torque should I use on my endbell screws?
- What is the basic termination for RS232 and RS422 Nortek cables?
- How do I use a loopback test to check my cable is working?
- How can I calculate voltage drop over cables?
- How do I test my midlife cables?
- How do I connect to my Midlife instrument?
- Why can't I connect to my Signature/DVL after a FW upgrade?
- How do I download a support file from my Signature and DVL?
- My instrument is not communicating. What should I do next?
- Do you have any recommendations on how to clean the instruments and how to prevent growth (biofouling)?
- Do I need to factory calibrate Nortek instruments regularly?
- My software versions are conflicting and causing a configuration error. What should I do?
- What can I do when I receive an error message when deploying my Signature?