Instrument configuration
- What Echogram settings should I use for my measurements?
- What is multiplexing for my Signature instrument?
- What is the recommended deployment configuration for an AquaPro HR?
- How do I avoid interference from other acoustic instruments? Can it affect the marine life?
- Which application should I use for my Signature 500 measurements?
- Which application should I use for my Signature 1000 measurements?
- How can I check which sampling scheme my Signature is set up to?
- How do the Signature Deployment applications decide the sampling scheme?
- How can I estimate the instrument power consumption?
- Why can't I open my Signature .deploy file?
- Can I get online wave data from my AWAC in XYZ coordinates?
- What effect does the "mounting height" selection have in the deployment planning?
- When should I use the "Waves - static mode" for my AWAC?
- How does the configuration affect the lag between pressure and velocity measurements when measuring waves with PUV?
- How does adjustable transmit power work?
- What is "measurement load"?
- Why is there a minimum average interval for the AWAC?
- How do the legacy AquaPro and AWAC time currents and wave measurements in the same deployment?
- Should we use 1024 or 1200 number of wave samples?
- How do I change my Signature configuration (.deploy file) outside of the Deployment software?
- What does Long range mode mean for my Signature instruments?
- How do I store every ping from my Signature (ADCP)?
- How are number of pings divided in the Signature series?